The Twofer and Threefer

The Twofer and Threefer

from $20.00

We’ve got 8 shaker flavors at the moment, and somehow we still need more sounds. The Twofer and Threefer allow you to interchange your Index Beercan Shakers in a secure chassis. You can load up two of the same tones for double-volume, or mix and match whatever works for ya. Easy to grip, easy to swap, easy to love. You could try a Smooth/Smooth/Canxixi or Hoppy/Pony/Bonzo or maybe a Stout/Stout/Amber?

(shakers not included)

(You might need to grab a spare shaker or a value pack while you’re here.)

All credit to Drumgees for the idea and loaning us their elastic technology. I bought a set of Drumgees a long time ago and I love ‘em and you might find a use for them too.

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